18-04-2022 / 11:00

The little girl Kira, who has been sitting with her parents in the basement since February 24th, never went outside until yesterday. The entire family was successfully evacuated to safety.

Our friends today urgently began the evacuation of people from Severnaya Saltovka. Guys risking their lives to save people.

Constant shelling of Kharkov continues. Today, Russian troops hit the streets of Culture, Shevchenko and Darwin.

Perhaps, these are especially dangerous words for Russia - Culture, Shevchenko, Darwin. That which is fraught with their existence. As of this minute, five Kharkiv residents are on the list of those who died from this strike, at least 15 were wounded. Only in the last four days in Kharkov, 18 people were killed and 106 injured from Russian shelling.

This is nothing but conscious terror. Mortars, artillery against ordinary residential areas, against ordinary civilians.


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